Linn Further Upgrades Performance of the LP12 Turntable
Two new components from Linn have elevated the performance for the already mind-blowing top spec Klimax LP12 turntable. The Radikal/2 power supply improves on the original with even greater clarity and detail, thanks to a hyper-accurate and responsive FPGA-managed motor control unit and new quieter and more precise motor. If you’re currently using Linn’s Urika phono stage, which installs inside the LP12 plinth, this will also gain a performance boost from the new Radikal. For clients with the current spec Radikal/1 power supply and motor, Linn is offering an upgrade path. Please contact us for details.
Klimax LP12
With new Klimax LP12, you’ll experience your favorite albums – both cherished classics and those freshly unwrapped – as if it were for the first time.
The latest iteration of our reference turntable, Klimax LP12, produces an even more musical, pitch-perfect performance.
This is thanks to our latest, hyper-accurate speed management technology, whisper-quiet power supply, and cutting-edge motor design; and also to the level of fidelity achieved following our team’s extensive experiments in material science – culminating in the breakthrough that is our all-new flagship cartridge.

You’ll experience even more of your music, in perfect pitch, thanks to a digitally managed motor control, and the latest, precision-engineered motor technology. It’s this harmonious partnership of mechanical and electrical engineering which results in new Radikal’s peerless, hyper-accurate rotation.
The improved board design at the heart of new Radikal incorporates whisper-quiet power supply rails, coupled with the use of smaller, more modern components – yielding our all-time lowest noise floor. These quieter, regulated supply rails not only provide impeccably pure power to the motor, but have the added halo effect of making our Urika phono stages sound even better.

Linn has also released the all new Ekstatik MC phono cartridge, their new reference cartridge, fitted with a micro-ridge stylus on a sapphire cantilever. The Kandid model remains in the line, as the new Ekstatik comes in at a much performance level, and higher price ($7150).

Reminder, the best bang for your buck in the category of Linn LP12 turntable upgrades is still the Karousel bearing assembly! This was released back in April 2020 and didn’t get the attention it deserved because of other events happening at the time. The Karousel upgrade kit replaces the bearing well assembly with a completely new design, only the third iteration of bearings in the LP12’s nearly 50 year history, and also includes a new inner platter and suspension springs and grommets. Just $975. More information here.
Please note that Linn has informed us of a price increase that will affect most of their products, starting January 1 2022. Please contact us for any upgrades or purchases prior to lock in current pricing.

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